Cloud IT services can help you save money on server maintenance, power and cooling costs, and software licensing and upgrade expenses. About half (49%) of small and medium sized businesses use cloud computing to lower costs, according to a survey by Microsoft.
Lower IT Costs:
Companies that don’t use the Cloud have to pay for a place to put their data center, buy and maintain equipment and pay for power and cooling. Cloud based solutions are a way to reduce those costs. For a monthly fee that is far less than having your own equipment, a cloud service provider worries about equipment, power and cooling. Plus, you can expand or reduce your storage space as your needs change.
If your data and applications are on the cloud, you will save money on desktop computer purchases because in-house equipment will last longer. Plus, desktops that don’t have data and applications stored on them run faster.
Lower Payroll Costs:
IT staff spend a lot of time rebooting servers, backing up hard drives, diagnosing failures and updating software. Cloud service providers will handle all your IT maintenance issues, which means your IT department is free to handle other matters.
No Capital Costs:
On-site servers are a big capital expense. But if you use the Cloud, it’s someone else’s problem. You can spend the money on something else.
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