The traceability should really start at the receiving dock so what's going to be a change within the provider is going to be when the sales reps bring in product and a provider takes it directly to the Operating Room or to the Cath-lab, there's going to be a little bit of a change there. That information really needs to be captured at the point of receipts and I know that's going to be difficult especially during off hours because we typically don't have somebody in receiving 24/7, but that's going to be again, looking at this as a program. Whoever is accepting that product needs to be able to scan that product into some kind of receipt - to say "okay, this is now in the facility. It doesn't appear to have been damaged. We've got it in the facility." The point of receipt, the best way, is going to be at the receiving dock, but second to that is going to be the training and education - have people in the OR, the Cath lab, wherever that area is. Scan that product if you know it will be in the institution.
USDM Life Sciences offers healthcare a comprehensive assessment, strategy and solutions to implement end to end traceability of pharmaceutical and medical devices from point of receipt through to the electronic health record.
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